Approaching the Study of Theology: An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods & Debates, By Anthony C. Thiselton

Approaching the Study of Theology

An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods & Debates

by Anthony C. Thiselton

Approaching the Study of Theology
  • Length: 255 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: August 28, 2018
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 5219
  • ISBN: 9780830852192

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From the opening pages of the Bible, we learn of God as one who communicates with humankind—offering us first steps toward knowledge of the divine, the very foothold of theology. On this basis, Approaching the Study of Theology presents an engaging introduction to the breadth and depth of the study of theology, mapping the significant landmarks as well as the main areas of debate.

The book is divided into three parts:

Part I (Approaches) describes the major approaches to theology that have emerged and developed over time.

Part II (Concepts and Issues) explains the major concepts and issues, identifying theologians associated with each.

Part III (Key Terms) provides a helpful glossary of all the key terms that readers need to understand in order to better understand theology.

Written by the eminent theologian Anthony Thiselton, here is an accessible resource for both those in the midst of a theological course or program as well as those contemplating the field.

"An exciting new series that will provide orientation and essential information for students at the beginning of a course in an attractive and readable format. From here the student will be well placed to move on to classic texts and larger handbooks."

John Barton, University of Oxford

"Thiselton's genius lies in his extraordinary capacity to help us see familiar issues afresh and deepen our sense of truth. Thiselton's method . . . is to guide the student or reader, giving him or her new vistas, insights, and nourishment for the intellectual journey ahead."

Church Times


List of abbreviations

Introduction: Landmarks in the study of theology
Part 1: Approaches
Part 2: Concepts and issues
Part 3: Key terms

Index of Scripture and patristic references
Index of authors
Index of subjects


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Anthony C. Thiselton is emeritus professor of Christian theology at the University of Nottingham and a fellow of the British Academy. His recent publications include Approaching Philosophy of Religion, Discovering Romans, Systematic Theology, The Holy Spirit, and The Last Things.