Interactive Resources for Children, Parents & Families

We hope families will enjoy the meaningful conversations that come out of reading IVP Kids books together. But how can you engage your children's hearts and minds even further? Check out these free activities for kids that will stimulate and inspire them while getting their creative juices flowing! Perfect for families, Sunday school classes, homeschooling, and Christian elementary classrooms, these resources are fun companions to IVP Kids books.

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Resources for Parents, Caregivers, and Educators

Parents and caregivers need resources too! Download resources to help adults engage with the kids in their lives.



Something special for little readers - printable bookplates for their favorite books. Please note: bookplates are formatted for Avery label style 5164 (3.33 x 4 inches).

Further Reading

"God Gives Good Gifts to Everyone"

By Amy and Rob Dixon, Authors of Penny Preaches

"What good gifts has God given your children? Amy and Rob Dixon, authors of the IVP Kids book "Penny Preaches," help parents and caregivers discern, embrace, and cultivate the vocational giftings of the children in their lives."


Helping Children Understand Lent through the Lens of Love by Ned Bustard

Helping Children Understand Lent through the Lens of Love

By Ned Bustard

"How can we discuss love in a way that makes sense to children? Ned Bustard, author of "Saint Valentine the Kindhearted," believes that the timing of Valentine's Day near the beginning of Lent offers the perfect opportunity to engage with your kids about the magnificent and unconditional love of God."


It’s About a Relationship

By Elrena Evans

"How would families with special needs like to offer their own gifts, to serve the church? My son couldn’t sit still in Sunday School, but he loved handing out bulletins before the Christmas Eve service. Prioritizing the relationship allowed him to share his gifts, too. Start with a smile. Start with hello. Start by asking, What do you need? And then, How do you want to serve? What can we create, together?"


Becoming Sensitive to God’s Presence in a Hypersensitive World

Becoming Sensitive to God’s Presence in a Hypersensitive World

By Amber Dobecka

"I've learned that I grow closer to God and understand him like a loving parent the most when I practice the discipline of being a spirit-filled parent myself. It's trial and error, and it's confession then repentance. It's humility in action, and, many times, it's apologizing to my kids. It's using whatever time I can give, whether I’m on the treadmill, washing dishes, or folding laundry, to worship and pray and daily commune with my Father. "


4 Ways to Be a Welcoming Church to Special-Needs Families

4 Ways to Be a Welcoming Church to Special-Needs Families

By Sandra Peoples

"How can churches become more welcoming to kids, teens, and adults with disabilities? As I reflect on the steps my church took 10 years ago, I'm confident every church can move from 'We think people with disabilities would be welcome' to 'We know they would be welcome.' Here are four ways churches can work toward achieving that."


Imparting Faith that Goes the Distance

Imparting Faith that Goes the Distance

By Sarah Cowan Johnson

"Parents wield an incredible amount of influence when it comes to the behaviors and attitudes of their children. The Fuller Youth Institute estimates that 50 percent of high school students actively involved in their churches walk away from their faith after graduation. But this is our good news: there is one thing that makes a drastic difference in that statistic. It’s not church attendance, Sunday school involvement, youth group participation, religious education, or the influence of church staff. It’s you."


Pray with Your Children

Pray with Your Children

By Mark Holmen

"No matter how old your children are, it's never too late to begin praying with them. Perhaps you've never prayed with your children. But no matter how old they are, it's never too late to start. It helps to remember that prayer is simply a conversation with God. Here are a few ideas to get you started."


Pandemic Parent

As a Pandemic Parent, God Calls Me to This Loud and Lonely Life

By Tish Harrison Warren

"Over the last few years, I’ve regularly retreated to a convent near my home, but since COVID-19 hit, I go more often. When I’m home, I catch myself fantasizing about the monastic life with its blessedly quiet order. But my home is a far cry (literally) from the hushed hallways of a monastery. I wake each day not to the singing of the Psalms but to a hungry one-year-old crying."


Build a Confident Reader

How to Build a Confident Reader

From Learning Loft

"A confident reader is a life-long reader. If you would like to build reading confidence in your child and are unsure where to start, the techniques below can help remove the guesswork."


Four Principles to Foster Anti-Racism in Children at Every Stage

Four Principles to Foster Anti-Racism in Children at Every Stage

By Stephen Ko

"What can churches do to combat the sin of racism within their congregations, families, and communities? Coupled with sound theology, current research encourages them to engage their infants, toddlers, and young children early instead of waiting. Combatting the sin of racism requires thoughtful words, careful planning, and timely conversations. Here are several principles that pastors, church leaders, and parents can follow."