Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts, By J. E. O'Day
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
  • Length: 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 3.5 × 5 in
  • Published: June 20, 1985
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 0071
  • ISBN: 9780877840718

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J. E. O'Day helps readers to discover their spiritual gifts by listening to God, following natural inclinations and seeking the counsel of others.


Defining Spiritual Gifts
Discovering Your Gifts
The Scriptural Data
Steps of Discovery
Developing Your Spiritual Gifts
Accept Responsibility
Seek Feedback
Learning from Others
Explore Possibilities
Plan Your Life


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O'Day is communications editor at Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. A former InterVarsity Christian Fellowship staff member, he has also served as managing editor at Probe Ministries and as associate managing editor at Moody Press. He wrote the novel Imperial Guard.