Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Psalms and Wisdom Literature, By Ernest C. Lucas
Exploring the Old Testament
  • Length: 208 pages
  • Dimensions: 7 × 10 in
  • Published: August 01, 2016
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 5311
  • ISBN: 9780830853113

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Israel's poets and sages left a scriptural legacy that has powerfully shaped the worship, thoughts and actions of the people of God. In the highs and lows and crossroads of life, we instinctively turn to their poetry, proverbs and discourses for the language we do not possess and the wisdom we desperately seek.

Yet there is more to this literature than meets the eye--or fills the momentary need. A study of the Bible's wisdom and poetry will dramatically enhance its power and effectiveness. From the depths of lament to the heights of praise, from the eroticism of the Song of Songs to the hard realism of Ecclesiastes, and from the aphorisms of Proverbs to the discourses of Job, this guide introduces readers to the ancient background, the literary artistry, and the varied and timeless messages of the Psalms and Wisdom literature.

Ernest C. Lucas gives us an informed, illuminating and interactive introduction to this portion of Scripture. Sparkling with interest and geared to the needs of students, this is an excellent textbook introduction to the Psalms and Wisdom literature.

"I have found the range of topics treated by Ernest Lucas enormously impressive. From all the usual introductory topics through to detailed guidelines for interpretation, students will find here admirable summaries of the main scholarly views together with sensible comments to help evaluate them. I know of no other textbook on the Psalms and Writings that will serve its intended readership so helpfully."

Professor H. G. M. Williamson, Regius Professor of Hebrew, University of Oxford

"Ernest Lucas has done his intended audience a great service by providing an introductory text that is easy to read and packed with quality information."

parkersmood.wordpress.com, May 11, 2009


Key to Panels
Map of the Ancient Near East
1. Psalms
2. Hebrew Poetry
3. Wisdom and Wisdom Literature
4. Proverbs
5. Job
6. Ecclesiastes
7. Song of Songs


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Lucas is vice-principal and tutor in biblical studies at Bristol Baptist College in England. He is the author of a number of scholarly articles on the book of Daniel and, at the popular level, Can We Believe Genesis Today?