Faith on the Edge: Daring to Follow Jesus, By Kevin Blue and Amy L. Brooke and Robbie F. Castleman and Bobby Gross and Jon Tran
Faith on the Edge
  • Length: 204 pages
  • Published: November 05, 1999
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 2212
  • ISBN: 9780830822126

*affiliate partner

Do you want to live for Jesus but struggle with what that means day by day? The deep desire of our hearts to be close to God is so easily sidetracked by daily realities. This book is designed to cover the areas of faith and life that you most want to bring together under God's leadership:

  • decision-making
  • dating and relationships
  • racial reconciliation
  • suffering
  • experiencing God
  • loving your parents
  • emotional healing
  • time management
  • everyday evangelism
  • hope for times of failure

Following Jesus is a wild and wonderful journey. It is perhaps the riskiest choice you will ever make. And the most rewarding. Come and see.

"Faith on the Edge offers practical advice for the daily struggles of the Christian walk. The book is written by a team of six young adults from a variety of backgrounds who wrestled with the question of what it means to be a Christian in the postmodern world. The book is divided into three sections: who Christians are in Christ, who they are in relationship to each other and who they are in relation to the world around them. Short chapters deal with issues such as family relationships, racial reconciliation, church life and evangelism. Faith on the Edge is about how Christ radically changes a person from the inside out. It shows that Christianity is the process of reconstruction not renovation."

World Christian, March 2000

"Although the book's six authors work for the same organization (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship), their perspectives, personal experiences, and faith walks couldn't be more different. As a result, this book is a treasure-trove of ideas designed to spur readers to a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. In addition to common topics--stewardship, forgiveness-- the authors tackle topics such as racial harmony and gender stereotypes. Chapters include study questions and recommended resource lists. The book's strength is the diversity of its authors and topics. Dozens of candid anecdotes and personal experiences will challenge readers to risk more for Christ. Students and staff workers involved with InterVarsity, as well as other young adults, will benefit from this rousing call to daring, committed Christianity."

CBA Marketplace, December 1999

"This book will capture your attention on the first page, intrigue you on the second, hold your attention to the final page, and--if you follow its lead--transform your life."

James W. Sire, author of The Universe Next Door

"It is a well-conceived and well-written book coming straight from the laboratory of life."

John W. Alexander

"The stories are honest and gutsy, and the authors show us that following Jesus does not make us nice--he makes us new, radically committed disciples who live life in passionate devotion to God."

Rebecca Manley Pippert, author of Out of the Saltshaker



Part 1: Rooted in Christ
1. What Is a Disciple?
2. Gaining by Losing
3. The Healing Journey
4. Dangerous Truth for the Daring Life
5. Connecting with Jesus

Part 2: Committed in Relationships
6. Gambling on God
7. Daring to Live Life Together
8. Learning to Love the Church
9. Risking Forgiveness
10. Racial Reconciliation
11. Very Good Together
12. Gone Too Far
13. Loving Your Parents

Part 3: Disturbing the World
14. Redeeming Every Square Inch of Creation
15. The Dangerous Call
16. Using Your Resources Wisely
17. Don't Worry, There is Time Enough
18. Compassion for the Poor
19. Loving Justice
20. Evangelism: Going, Staying, Blessing, Telling
21. Knowing God's Heart for the World
22. Following Jesus in the Dark
23. Hope When You Fall
24. Keeping the Faith


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