How to Study the Bible, By Jack Kuhatschek

How to Study the Bible

by Jack Kuhatschek

How to Study the Bible
  • Length: 32 pages
  • Published: October 07, 1985
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 0074
  • ISBN: 9780877840749

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Introducing the principles of inductive Bible study, Jack Kuhatschek helps readers cross the barriers of time, geography, language and culture to better understand and apply God's Word.


The Nature of Scripture
Step One: Journeying into the Past
Step Two: Learning to Read
Step Three: Returning to the Present
Practice Makes Perfect (Well, Almost)


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Jack Kuhatschek

Jack Kuhatschek was formerly executive vice president and publisher for Baker Publishing Group in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the author of many Bible study guides and the books Applying the Bible and The Superman Syndrome. He and his wife, Sandy, currently live in Deland, Florida.