Islam: A Christian Introduction, By Winfried Corduan alt

Islam: A Christian Introduction

by Winfried Corduan

Islam: A Christian Introduction
  • Length: 0 pages
  • Published: December 20, 2001
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 4994
  • ISBN: 9780830849949
  • Other Retailers:

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The world hasn't really shrunk--it just feels like it.

Not all adherents of Islam live halfway around the globe. Some of them live halfway down the block. Encounters with Muslims, whether as fellow students, as coworkers or as neighbors, challenge our familiar ideas and make us more closely examine our own beliefs and traditions.

With this e-book Winfried Corduan offers a helpful introduction to Islam that is like no other. Drawing material from his larger work Neighboring Faiths, Corduan outlines the history and formal teachings of Islam and also describes how the religion is practiced in daily life. He also includes fresh material on Islamic militant groups and various Muslim understandings of jihad (holy war).

Finally, as a professing Christian believer, Corduan also gives specific suggestions for how Christians can avoid giving unnecessary offense to Muslims while learning to engage them in constructive dialogue.

For all who want to better understand Islam, one of the fastest-growing religions in today's world, this brief, accessible, up-to-date e-book is an indispensable guide.

"Some Christians declare their faith before understanding another person's religion. To avoid this blunder, others never let on about their faith. Corduan will lead readers first to genuine comprehension and then to competent sharing. In an era dominated by easy pluralism, this book gets it just right."

David K. Clark, Bethel University

"A fine summary of what people of other religions believe and practise."


"[E]ncourage[s] empathetic understanding of non-Christian faiths, as well as informed and respectful interreligious dialogue, while firmly embracing a commitment to Christian belief that resists relativistic or homogenizing forms of pluralism."

Christian Scholar's Review

"Neighboring Faiths commends itself for use in many contexts. . . . His book builds on his years of classroom teaching on the subject and of leading students on study tours to encounter people's lived religion in various parts of the world. That all bears fruit in this engaging volume."


"Neighboring Faiths commends itself for use in many contexts. . . . His book builds on his years of classroom teaching on the subject and of leading students on study tours to encounter people's lived religion in various parts of the world. That all bears fruit in this engaging volume."

Bibliotheca Sacra


The Life and Times of Muhammad
The Caliphate and the Shi'a
Militant Movements
The Kharijites
The Wahhabi Movement
Authority in Islam
The Qur'an
The Sunna and Hadiths
The Shari'a
The Mystical Tradition: Sufism
Essential Beliefs
The Oneness of God
Angels and Spirits
The Decree of God
The Five Pillars
Confession (Shahada)
Prayer (Salat)
Fasting (Sawm)
Almsgiving (Zakat)
Pilgrimmage (Hajj)
Further Requirements
Modesty in Dress
Marriage and the Status of Women
Holy War (Jihad)
The Black Muslim Movement
So You Meet a Muslim
What You Might Expect
Relating the Gospel
Christian Missionary Strategies


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Winfried Corduan

Winfried Corduan (PhD, Rice University) is professor emeritus of philosophy and religion at Taylor University, Upland, Indiana. He has led many undergraduate tours focusing on the lived religious traditions of various parts of the world. He is the author of several books, including Handmaid to Theology, Reasonable Faith: Basic Christian Apologetics, Neighboring Faiths, and A Tapestry of Faiths.