Luke Cawley

Luke Cawley

Luke Cawley

Luke Cawley is a writer, speaker, trainer and the director of Chrysolis, an organization he helped start in 2012 with a vision to enable organizations and churches to better communicate the Jesus story. Luke has spent most of his adult life founding and developing missional communities on university campuses in Britain and Romania and is a regular speaker at conferences and outreach events around the world. An active writer and blogger, Luke has trained people at churches, parachurch organizations and universities to better engage those around them with the story of Jesus. He enjoys thoughtful engagement with people who wouldn't normally consider Jesus and he often speaks in contexts where God is not typically discussed, such as schools, bars, cafes and theatres. Luke has an master's degree in evangelism and leadership from Wheaton College and a certificate in theological and pastoral studies from Oxford University. He's married to Whitney, a schoolteacher, and they have three children.