One New People: Models for Developing a Multiethnic Church, By Manuel Ortiz
One New People
  • Length: 158 pages
  • Published: August 19, 1996
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 1882
  • ISBN: 9780830818822

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God created us with diverse cultural and individual backgrounds. He intended those differences for our corporate delight and blessing. But too often we let differences separate us from each other.

In One New People Manuel Ortiz persuades us of the benefits in fellowship and outreach that we can experience by crossing racial, ethnic and cultural lines. He urges us not just to put aside our differences but to celebrate them and to embrace them--to use them in a way that draws us closer to each other and closer to God.

To that end, he offers a variety of models for creating and sustaining a multiethnic church. You'll explore new possibilities by reading stories of those who have already reaped the benefits of multiethnic approaches to community and ministry. And you'll sort out which options are best for your situation by working through the questions for thought and discussion that are included throughout the book. Finally, you'll find here ideas and principles to guide you through the process of change and growth: improving communication, managing conflict, encouraging and training new leaders, and much more.

Here is inspiration, guidance and time-tested models for broadening the ministry of your church to reflect the power of God not only to overcome our differences, but also to transform them into a source of strength and joy.

"Into a world where class, power and ancestry divided rich from poor, free from slave, men from women, came a society that welcomed all who bore the name of Jesus (1 Cor 1:26-29). . . . [Yet today,] Black, White, Hispanic and Asian Christians still watch each other pour out of their church buildings on street intersections that are often their only common meeting ground. . . . But there is another model for the church. . . . In neighborhoods in New York and Los Angeles the multiethnic church reechoes New Testament themes as diverse cultures and social classes share ministry and leadership in local congregations. This book is an invitation to open the treasure chest of multiethnicity and rejoice."

Harvie M. Conn (from the foreword)


Foreword by Harvie M. Conn
1. Capturing the Vision
2. Who Is My Neighbor?
3. The Purpose of Multiethnic Church Development
4. Multicongregational Church Models
5. Multiethnic Church Models
6. Multiethnic Leadership
7. Preparing the Church for Multiethnic Transition
8. Building a New Humanity
9. Do Your Homework!





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Manuel Ortiz

Manuel Ortiz (1938–2017) was professor of ministry and urban mission and director of the urban program at Westminster Theological Seminary. His books include The Hispanic Challenge, One New People, and Urban Ministry (coauthored with Harvie Conn). For fourteen years Ortiz ministered to Hispanics in Chicago, founding five urban congregations, two elementary schools, and an extension school for theological education. He was also the founder and senior pastor of Spirit and Truth Fellowship (Christian Reformed Church), a multiethnic congregation in Philadelphia, and the codirector of the CRC Philadelphia Initiative for Church Planting.