Quiet Time

Quiet Time

by InterVarsity Staff

Quiet Time
  • Length: 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 4.75 × 6.75 in
  • Published: January 01, 1947
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 0250
  • ISBN: 9780877842507

*affiliate partner

We all long for an ever-deepening fellowship with God. But how do we find it? The mystery is not great. Experience shows that those who are close to God have set time aside each day with him.

Over a million Christians have turned again and again to this classic introduction to daily devotions. Here they have found simple, sound and practical advice on quiet time with their Lord.


Fellowship With God
Use of the Bible in the Quiet Time
Prayer in the Quiet Time
Some Practical Suggestions for the Quiet Time
The Personal Passion for Christ
For Further Study


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