Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health, By Judith Allen Shelly and Sandra D. John

Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health

by Judith Allen Shelly and Sandra D. John

Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health
  • Length: 179 pages
  • Published: October 18, 1983
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 0876
  • ISBN: 9780877848769

*affiliate partner

Health--physical, mental, spiritual.

All three are closely related. But in modern mental-health care one of them is often neglected. Nurses, social workers and counselors are rarely taught to minister to their client's spiritual needs. In fact, they are sometime told to ignore them altogether.

But spiritual needs can play a part in any illness. They may become especially strong when the mind and emotions are affected. So how can Christian workers help their clients spiritually without violating their freedom or antagonizing other members of the health-care team? How can they help their colleagues and keep their own sanity under extremely stressful conditions?

Judith Allen Shelly joins Sandra D. John and other mental-health professionals to show how Christians can minister effectively to such deep needs.



Section 1: What Is Mental Health?
1. Mental Health: A Personal Struggle--Judith Allen Shelly
2. What Is Human? A Context for Defining Mental Health--Judith Allen Shelly and Sandra D. John
3. Toward a Psychology of Believing--Judith Allen Shelly
4. Interpretations of Wholeness--Judith Allen Shelly
5. Evaluating Holistic Health Modalities--Arlene Miller and Arlynne Ostlund

Section 2: Spiritual Care and the Psychiatric Client
6. What Are Spiritual Needs? --Judith Allen Shelly
7. Healthy and Unhealthy Religious Beliefs--Sandra D. John
8. Assessing Spiritual Needs-- Sandra D. John
9. Meeting Spiritual Needs-- Sandra D. John
10. Prayer in a Psychiatric Setting--Verna J. Carson
11. Use of Scripture-- Sandra D. John
12. Clergy as Colleagues--Mertie L. Potter

Section 3: Personal Mental Health: How to Keep Your Own Sanity
13. Qualities of a Christian Counselor--Kenneth L. Williams
14. Caring for Your Colleagues--Verna J. Carson
15. Are My Beliefs Unbalanced? --Sidney Whitley Langston
16. Burnout! --Mary Berg
17. When the Helper Needs Help--Barbara E. Nelsom
18. When the Hurting Hits Home--Laura Carlsen
19. Psychiatric Nursing: An Opportunity for Growth--Diana Krikorian



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Judith Allen Shelly

Judith Allen Shelly (BSN, DMin) previously served as publications director for Nurses Christian Fellowship, director of NCF Press, and editor of the Journal of Christian Nursing. She is also the author of Spiritual Care: A Guide for Caregivers and the coauthor of Values in Conflict.

Shelly's editorial work has won numerous awards from the Evangelical Press Association, and her articles have appeared in journals such as Ethics and Medicine, Christian Counseling Today, and Christian Bioethics. She has also been an adjunct professor at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, and at North Park University in Chicago, Illinois.