The Drama of Ephesians: Participating in the Triumph of God, By Timothy G. Gombis
The Drama of Ephesians
  • Length: 188 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: October 04, 2010
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2720
  • ISBN: 9780830827206

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Ephesians has long been a favorite New Testament book among Christians. Its exalted language and soaring metaphors inspire devotion and worship. But too often the expositor's scrutiny has reduced this letter to a string of theological ideas and practical topics.

Timothy Gombis has rediscovered Ephesians as a deeply dramatic text that follows the narrative arc of the triumph of God in Christ. Here Paul invites the church to celebrate and participate in this divine victory over the powers of this present age. In Gombis's dramatic reading of Ephesians we are drawn into a theological and cultural engagement with this epochal story of redemption.

The Drama of Ephesians stands in the scantly occupied shelf space between commentaries and specialized studies in Ephesians, giving us a unified and dynamic perspective on this classic text. It is a book that will renew your excitement for studying, preaching and teaching this great letter of Paul.

"The canon of Scripture is not merely a collection of ancient texts that provide an authoritative account of the past actions of God in the world. It is also the instrument through which the Spirit speaks to the church in the present and shapes its witness in the midst of the contemporary setting. In this marvelous theological and cultural encounter with Ephesians, Tim Gombis provides a powerful reading of the epistle that helps us to discern the voice of the Spirit and participate more faithfully in the mission of God. Read, listen and be transformed by the living and active Word of God."

John R. Franke, Clemens Professor of Missional Theology, Biblical Seminary

"Timothy Gombis has written an eloquent and compelling engagement with Ephesians as an invitation to participate in God's subversive, dramatic rescue mission: to redeem a broken world through Christ and his cross-shaped church. It is a model of theological and missional interpretation of Scripture, and those who read it will see Ephesians--and themselves--in a whole new light."

Michael J. Gorman, St. Mary's Seminary and University, author of Cruciformity: Paul's Narrative Spirituality of the Cross

"Tim Gombis knows Ephesians from the inside out, from what Paul meant in his world to what Paul means now--in our world, at the most mundane of levels. Gombis writes both as professor and pastor, as one who thinks clearly and one who applies thoroughly. The Drama of Ephesians blew strong winds on flickering flames in my own thought, and I hope it does the same for you. Pay attention to Tim Gombis, because he's a professor who knows the church is his community's center."

Scot McKnight, Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies, North Park University

"Exposing the undergirding narrative of Ephesians, Tim Gombis's The Drama of Ephesians brings the text alive in fresh and stimulating ways. Combining interpretive sagacity and theological acumen, Gombis demonstrates how Ephesians challenges Jesus followers to adopt a new understanding of their place within the drama of God's triumph and of their responsibilities within the world."

Bruce W. Longenecker, W. W. Melton Chair of Religion, Baylor University

"Gombis makes a convincing case that Ephesians is calling us to commit to cruciform and subversive performances, and for this powerful point alone, this book is a valuable read."

Wes Vander Lugt, Transpositions, March 8, 2011

"This commentary . . . Provides a concise, fresh look at Paul's letter to the Ephesians."

Cliff Kvidahl, Bible Study Magazine, May/June 2011

"What Gombis gives us here is not another commentary of Ephesians but a perspective on the letter as a whole that ultimately enlists us as players in God?s story. . . . The book reflects extensive research on the cosmic warfare elements in Ephesians and Jewish thought of the time, a vision of Ephesians that is both faithful to the text and captures our imaginations in a fresh way, and is good scholarship that is written to serve the very church he sees as a central actor in this drama of God?s triumph."

Bob on Books, September 14, 2015


1 Exploring the Drama of Ephesians
2 Some Mysterious Actors on the Stage
3 Transforming the Imagination
4 God?s Victory over the Powers
5 Embodying God?s Victory as an Apostle
6 Empowering Subversive Performances
7 Performing the Divine Warrior
Conclusion: The Drama of Ephesians?Christ, the Powers and the Subversive People of God
Scripture Index


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Timothy G. Gombis

Timothy G. Gombis (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is professor of New Testament at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He is the author of The Drama of Ephesians: Participating in the Triumph of God and Paul: A Guide for the Perplexed.