What About Those Who Have Never Heard?: Three Views on the Destiny of the Unevangelized, Edited by Gabriel J. Fackre and Ronald H. Nash and John Sanders

What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

Three Views on the Destiny of the Unevangelized

Spectrum Multiview Book Series

Edited by Gabriel J. Fackre, Ronald H. Nash, and John Sanders

What About Those Who Have Never Heard?
  • Length: 168 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: June 07, 1995
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 1606
  • ISBN: 9780830816064

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Voted one of Christianity Today's Books of the Year

What is the fate of those who die never hearing the gospel? Do Hindus, Jews, agnostics and others who do not profess faith in Christ really suffer damnation after death? These and similar questions have long been contemplated by people from every religious persuasion and every walk of life. But in a culture of increasing diversity and growing doubt in the existence of "objective truth," it seems ever more pressing.

In this Spectrum Multiview volume three scholars present the span of evangelical conviction on the destiny of the unevangelized. Ronald Nash argues the restrictivist position, that receptive knowledge of Jesus Christ in this life is necessary to salvation. Gabriel Fackre advocates divine perseverance, with the expectation that those who die unevangelized receive an opportunity for salvation after death. And John Sanders sets forth the inclusivist case—asserting that though God saves people only through the work of Jesus Christ, some may be saved even if they do not know about Christ.

As each scholar presents his own case and responds to strengths and weaknesses of differing positions, readers are treated to a lively and informative debate. What About Those Who Have Never Heard? is a truly helpful book on one of today's—and every day's—most crucial questions.

Spectrum Multiview Books offer a range of viewpoints on contested topics within Christianity, giving contributors the opportunity to present their position and also respond to others in this dynamic publishing format.


Introduction - John Sanders

Inclusivism - John Sanders
Gabriel Fackre
Ronald H. Nash

Divine Perseverance - Gabriel Fackre
Ronald H. Nash
John Sanders

Restrictivism - Ronald H. Nash
John Sanders
Gabriel Fackre


Suggestions for Further Reading


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